donderdag 24 april 2008


Hey everyone!

So as you may have guessed I have been accepted into the Google Summer of Code program, edition 2008. I'm going to work with the Computer Systems Research Group at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam to port their well-known MINIX operating system to the popular embedded ARM platform. As a mentor for the project I got this great guy who calls himself Bert Thomas, which is the next best thing to a guarantee for success!

Of course, whoever says MINIX also says Tanenbaum, and yes, indeed, the project is supervised by the one and only Prof. Dr. A. S. Tanenbaum.

Every great project starts with a good deal of documentation to work through. It's like peeling an orange (or an apple, or whatever). If you want to get to the coding and hacking part, which is obviously what everything is about, you have to get through the existing documentation first. So that's what I'm doing now, reading. Reading about the ARM architecture, reading about MINIX, reading about porting kernels... I surely must be reading too much, but I really want to be well-prepared for this one. Better get all the peeling off.

Look out for my next post, where I'll be telling you a bit more about myself.